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16. Juni 20234 Min. Lesezeit
Father of all Fatherhood
By Florian H. Berndt The deepest search in life, it seemed to me, the thing that in one way of another was central to all living was...
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10. März 20235 Min. Lesezeit
Whom Would Jesus Burn?
By Florian H. Berndt Addressing the increasing number of recent posts arguing for a god that can’t make up his (its?) mind if he (it?)...
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7. März 20236 Min. Lesezeit
Visionary Experiences & Religious Trauma
By Florian H. Berndt After several people sharing their visionary experiences with me recently, I read a post along the same lines on...
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27. Apr. 20223 Min. Lesezeit
The Judgment of Love
The other day one of my kids totally lost the plot - out of the blue. We knew they had been going through a rough time, but every time we...
21 Ansichten0 Kommentare

27. Apr. 20222 Min. Lesezeit
I once spoke to a young pastor, who desperately wanted revival in his church, but when people's vision of God started to shift and...
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27. Apr. 20222 Min. Lesezeit
The Mind of Christ
Having recently added some Catholic author’s to my reading list, I was thrilled to see a similar theme going on also in a lot of minds...
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27. Apr. 20222 Min. Lesezeit
Journey of Awakening
One of the traps I used to fall into on my spiritual journey when I was younger, was that I thought people outside my circle have no clue...
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27. Apr. 20224 Min. Lesezeit
All Creation Waits
Okay, here's something I need to share - even if I might be misunderstood. A couple of years ago I faced some surprising health issues,...
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27. Apr. 20221 Min. Lesezeit
The Lord's Prayer
Recently I've heard about people being up in arms about Pope Francis apparently 'changing' the Lord's Prayer, and it is claimed, that...
8 Ansichten0 Kommentare

27. Apr. 20223 Min. Lesezeit
Cognitive Dissonance
Over the last couple of weeks my wife and I are receiving an increased number of messages from some of our Christian friends –...
6 Ansichten0 Kommentare

26. Apr. 20224 Min. Lesezeit
One of the greatest frustrations I’ve experienced in ministering ABBA’s heart over the years, has been to see people’s lives being...
3 Ansichten0 Kommentare

26. Apr. 20223 Min. Lesezeit
A couple of days ago I was sharing with some of my friends troubling political ideologies arising again here in Germany and why I reject...
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26. Apr. 20223 Min. Lesezeit
The Unveiling of ABBA's Son's and Daughter's
All of creation is waiting for the unveiling of ABBA's children, because creation itself will be freed from its bondage, when it sees...
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26. Apr. 20223 Min. Lesezeit
To be honest, growing up in a fairly wealthy country, I've always felt conflicted about the tension between the dangers of materialism on...
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26. Apr. 20222 Min. Lesezeit
Losing My Religion
About 10 years ago, while going personally through a rough time in my life, I woke up in the morning and noticed that I was alone. Not...
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26. Apr. 20222 Min. Lesezeit
Listening to ABBA's Heart
Some things I've observed over the years concerning listening prayer and prophetic ministry... ABBA usually speaks to us in a gentle...
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26. Apr. 20224 Min. Lesezeit
"The Prophets Have Spoken?"
Introduction As I’ve been reading different responses to the presidential elections in the US, I’ve been deeply saddened by the reactions...
4 Ansichten0 Kommentare

26. Apr. 20223 Min. Lesezeit
"ABBA, Lift Me Up!"
„At that time Jesus said, ‘I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and...
4 Ansichten0 Kommentare

25. Apr. 20223 Min. Lesezeit
ABBA Calling
ABBA has purposed to bless the later born through the firstfruit and firstborn (Acts 15:16-18; 1. Cor.2:9-11; Gen.3:15; Rom.11:16;...
10 Ansichten0 Kommentare

25. Apr. 20224 Min. Lesezeit
Ultimate Redemption: Resurrection and the End of the Ages
Introduction As an increasing number of churchgoers deconstruct their beliefs, traditional evangelical doctrines concerning the future of...
29 Ansichten0 Kommentare
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